Friday, December 31, 2010

last day of this decade...twenty ten.

This has been quite a year... a year of joy. a year of learning. it was Simply Amazing & I'm so thankful for everyone. So many dear dear friends..i love you!
And, so thankful for everything I've accomplished, learned, shared, loved, & created! All with the Lord's help, I know this! 
I'm not gonna's been a difficult year in many ways, but also so rewarding. 
I've had a rough few months with my health. There. 
I said it out loud. 
Many of you have emailed with suspicions or just a prompting..&, I truly do appreciate your concern. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I'm hoping for a healthier 2011. I've learned a lot through this experience....
No. 1 to really & truly enjoy the pRocess. no matter what.
No. 2 to LOOK for ways to be happy no matter what life brings you.  

So, when I say Happy New Year...I mean it. with all my heart.
I know many of us. no. wait. ALL of us are going through one trial or another...& it helps to just be reminded to be happy.
just. be. happy.

I love a New Year & the possibilities it brings. So many hopes & dreams. I hope to be happy with whatever I can do & not get discouraged with my limitations. This is tricky for me. very tricky. But, it's refreshing.
hence, the blog re-design. something to make me smile. something refreshing. something to help me refocus. restore.
I'm sooo looking forward to the online course: Soul Restoration. Perfect.
recommit. resolve.
 all things that go right along with our House of 3 Remarkable 2011. *wink*
can't wait to start this new jouRney with you!

 So, here's to a clean slate. hit the *refresh* button. take a breath...& let's enjoy this new decade together, focusing on the HAPPY of the New Year!

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