Tuesday, June 25, 2013

creative team tuesday: hybrid notebooks

Ohhhhh, you KNOW I love to see how my cReative team uses my Rhonna Designs in their projects, right? 
 Welllll.....today's project for cReative Team Tuesday, by the amazing Jamie Pate, is sooo scrumptious! She's using the NEW Flower Stickers along with these other kits on the store:

I'm LOVING the way she put this all together on an inexpensive composition book & then used the Cinch to bind it! Isn't she bRilliant? I just adore it! THANK YOU, Jamie...for uplifting and inspiRing us!

Ok...so, a LOT of you have been asking: WHEN is the Rhonna Designs App going to be released? Well.....soon. VERY soon! We are getting it all finished up & ready to get it into the Apple Store...so, hang tight! Don't you LOVE this opening page of the app?  See all of those images? They scroll through the Instagram pix that have the hashtag: #rhonnadesigns_app.  So, YOU will be able to see yours in there, too! fun, huh? 
Don't worry....I'll be shouting it from the roof tops when it's in the store & ready for purchase! We've got some fun things in the works to promote it, too....so be on the look out! 
Until then....

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