Wednesday, May 22, 2013

And the winner of the Silhouette Portrait is.....

Thanks, everyone, for all of your comments & fun over on Instagram and here!~  The winner of the Silhouette Portrait is: Leah C---->@LollyTC  So excited to see your cReations with Rhonna Designs and the Silhouette machine! You will LOVE it~!
Been oh-so busy w/ kiddos last days of school along with the Rhonna Designs photo editing APP! My cReative Team is busy in beta testing & we are all loving it!  soooooon we will be able to release! I'm hoping in JUNE! 
Only a few more days of's to SUMMER!!!!!
have a great Memorial Day weekend! We are headed up the canyon for a little Glamping in The Dazey...what are YOU doing? ENJOY & be safe!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

cReative Team Tuesday:: DIY Teacher Appreciation gifts

It's that time of year when we want to show appreciation to the wonderful teachers in our children's lives. LOOK at what my cReative Team Member, Amy, cReated w/ Rhonna Designs!

Don't you LOVE these? Amy used the Prize Winning Mother's Day kit and for the card, she used the Insta Thanks font! Love how she used the Quatrefoil background for the cute! Of course, make sure your cute kids write it down in their own handwriting...what a gem!
And, if your children have male teachers, fear can still make these 'not so girly' like Amy did here:
The Medal Of Honor prize tag is perfectly fabulous, don't you agree? Thanks so much, Amy, for uplifting and inspiRing us to show our appreciation to teachers this year using Rhonna Designs kits!

And...a reminder: The code for the Silhouette Chipboard Promotion can be used for 2 more days: RHONNA at check out & here's the deal again....screaming deal!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

NEW Silhouette Chipboard + Rhonna Designs & a Silhouette Portrait Give away!

Ok, today I wanted to share the NEW chipboard that Silhouette has out now...AND I love how the Rhonna Designs fonts & pngs can be used in the Silhouette Studio...see this fun project? I've used my Silhouette chipboard, Rhonna Designs *coming soon* Insta Quotes3 along with my new collection: Find Your Wings by My Mind's Eye.  LOVING them all together!
The NEW Chipboard is super goes through your Silhouette like butter...& it can be painted, covered w/ paper, inked or even sprayed!
I'm loving the fact that you can use Rhonna Designs PNG files in your Silhouette Studio as cutting files. My cReative Team Member, Nancy, has a great video tutorial on HOW TO use them!
so....are you loving this like I am? Want to get your hands on it?
Ok...Silhouette's got a fab promotion going on from May 8-15th!
When checking out, just use the code: RHONNA to get these fabulous deals!
but, *wait* I am also giving away a SILHOUETTE PORTRAIT on my Instagram feed.

Just go on over to my Instagram account, & enter:
1. Follow @rhonnafarrer
3. comment & let me know WHY you need this Silhouette Portrait!
p.s. if you don't have an Instagram account, you can leave a comment HERE on my blog!
Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

cReative team tuesday: custom graduation announcements

It's that time of year...graduation! And, today my amazing cReative Team Member, Nancy Wyatt, is sharing one of her custom graduation invitation, address label & thank you card she designed with Rhonna Designs! 
Run on over to her blog for more ideas to uplift and inspire! She's amazing in everything she does!
Thank you so much, Nancy! Love the way you created this amazing gift for your niece! 
I'm so excited....I'm ready to go about YOU?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

BYU Women's Conference re-cap: uplifting and inspiRing

You know my mantra, my catch phrase, my mission: uplift and inspire. I really try to do this in all of my designs, my ideas, my social everyday life. Rhonna Designs is a part of me, but it's not all of me. I do like to share my personal life sometimes, too! And my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a HUGE part of my personal life. 

So, this past week, I was able to spend time w/ my mom at a conference for women & feel the overall message of : JOY. It was soooo uplifting and inspiring. She's been out of the country for the past 15 years on & off serving for our Church. And, my parents have completed their service & are home in AZ now. So...anytime I have to spend w/ my mom WILL be uplifting and inspiRing- for sure!
She came up to spend time w/ me during BYU's Women's Conference. And let me tell was 2 full days of pure INSPIRATION! For more info on the conference, you can go HERE. 

I love that you get to choose which classes to take...I listened to my heart & followed it, going to the classes that I felt would uplift and inspire me as a woman, wife, mother, & friend.  Also, in my church calling as Stake Primary President! I loved ALL of the classes, but my very favorite session was the General Primary Presidency! WOW>>>> talk about POWERFUL women! I felt empowered, loved & strengthened & got ideas & answers to what I need to be doing in my church responsibilities! 
One of my favorite parts is the service projects we get to do. I wasn't able to attend the evening service project stations, but I did get to take & make these sweet Happy Hearts we made. They are for hospitals & shelters...something soft & comforting for those in pain. I loved thinking of a sweet child holding this little heart that would remind them that they are a child of God & they are loved. 
Since it's so close to my home, I went home in the evening to be w/ my family & be a mom & wife. But, I missed out on the evening bestie & I decided next year we will stay in the dorms like my mom did & go the entire time! *wink* 

Every bit of the conference was amazing....I shared thoughts & quotes that uplifted & inspired me on my Instagram account and my twitter account. 

Loved seeing & reading what others were feeling, too. Love the world of social media & how the hashtags can bring us together! #byuwc is a great place to check out the tweets & IG feeds of others!
Thanks to EVERYONE was a huge success! I encourage any of you to go next year..I know I will ge there for sure!