Sunday, May 5, 2013

BYU Women's Conference re-cap: uplifting and inspiRing

You know my mantra, my catch phrase, my mission: uplift and inspire. I really try to do this in all of my designs, my ideas, my social everyday life. Rhonna Designs is a part of me, but it's not all of me. I do like to share my personal life sometimes, too! And my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a HUGE part of my personal life. 

So, this past week, I was able to spend time w/ my mom at a conference for women & feel the overall message of : JOY. It was soooo uplifting and inspiring. She's been out of the country for the past 15 years on & off serving for our Church. And, my parents have completed their service & are home in AZ now. So...anytime I have to spend w/ my mom WILL be uplifting and inspiRing- for sure!
She came up to spend time w/ me during BYU's Women's Conference. And let me tell was 2 full days of pure INSPIRATION! For more info on the conference, you can go HERE. 

I love that you get to choose which classes to take...I listened to my heart & followed it, going to the classes that I felt would uplift and inspire me as a woman, wife, mother, & friend.  Also, in my church calling as Stake Primary President! I loved ALL of the classes, but my very favorite session was the General Primary Presidency! WOW>>>> talk about POWERFUL women! I felt empowered, loved & strengthened & got ideas & answers to what I need to be doing in my church responsibilities! 
One of my favorite parts is the service projects we get to do. I wasn't able to attend the evening service project stations, but I did get to take & make these sweet Happy Hearts we made. They are for hospitals & shelters...something soft & comforting for those in pain. I loved thinking of a sweet child holding this little heart that would remind them that they are a child of God & they are loved. 
Since it's so close to my home, I went home in the evening to be w/ my family & be a mom & wife. But, I missed out on the evening bestie & I decided next year we will stay in the dorms like my mom did & go the entire time! *wink* 

Every bit of the conference was amazing....I shared thoughts & quotes that uplifted & inspired me on my Instagram account and my twitter account. 

Loved seeing & reading what others were feeling, too. Love the world of social media & how the hashtags can bring us together! #byuwc is a great place to check out the tweets & IG feeds of others!
Thanks to EVERYONE was a huge success! I encourage any of you to go next year..I know I will ge there for sure!

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