Monday, April 22, 2013

cReative Team Tuesday...One Little Word & SNAP re-cap

I was lucky enough to spend the weekend at the SNAP Creative Blogging Conference....& here goes my re-cap! Along w/ learning TONS...I also got to spend time w/ 4 of my Rhonna Designs cReative Team Members: Emily Hill, Heather Thoming, Jamie Pate & Melissa Mortenson. Seriously...I think this was the highlight of the entire conference. Each time I got to spend a few min. w/ one of them I considered myself very lucky...uplifted & inspired for sure!

We got to take a photo booth pic (but, we missed our cute Melissa!) 

LOVED being able to pass 400+ of these out in the SWAG bags for all attendees! Again, Persnickety Prints rocked this frame-able Rhonna Designs quote art in their amazing pearl card stock!(remember the one from last year? You can purchase it HERE!)

Another highlight was teaching w/ the fab Susan Peterson (Freshly Picked) & Shelley Smith (House of Smiths) for our Instahance class on Instagram & HOW to up your game! We started out w/ a little dance partay *uhuh* & then Shelley got us started by giving us tips & tricks on HOW to take the best pix w/ your on lighting, apps, how to hold the camera, etc.   I learned tons from these girls...

  It was so fun! I shared my tips on apps. My fave apps & how I saw things & design my Instagrams! We had tip cards we handed out (& THE best printer ever helped us w/ that*wink* Thx Persnickety Prints!) you see that app at the bottom right? YUP! It's the Rhonna Designs App! It's coming soooooon! so so excited!
I shared my tips: 
Be cReative
Look at things differently
Experiment, play & pRactice
Enjoy the pRocess
& #instaAwesome! *wink*
Susan blew our minds w/ her business savvy advice including when the top times to post are, her advice on giveaways, hashtag etiquette, etc.  Seriously LOVE speaking on this panel.  Not only are Susan & Shelley amazingly creative bloggers/business women, but they are SO much stinkin' FUN! I loved every minute!
We ended w/ a Q&A & Susan shared this quote that I thinks brings it ALL together:
Seriously...that Conan is one wise man!  And this quote extends to all areas of your life; womanhood, friendship, family & associates...if we work hard & are kind amazing things really will happen! And, I felt like such amazing things happened at this conference...thanks everyone for being so KIND! Tauni & all of the event guys are amazing!

Had so much fun hanging out w/ my sweet Whippy Cake, & meeting some of my fave peeps: Lisa, Jessica, Jen, Brittany, Holly, Laura, & Angelina...oh mercy...I could go on & on! LOVED it! And I'm GIDDY to see all of the attendees loving the INSTASNAP font & using it on their photos & hashtaggin: #rhonnadesigns #heyrhonna! Remember, if you want to learn MORE about basics...check out my online Insta class HERE! And for an even higher level...I'll be teaching an Insta class 202 LIVE at Thanksgiving Point on April 30! Go sign up HERE!

Our closing keynote speaker, Julie Hanks, spoke to my heart. We were lucky enough to have her sitting at our table & got to chat about what she was going to be talking about...oh my! She is an amazing women & I'm soo excited for her book that's coming out soon! The things she talked about hit home & helped me re-focus on my One Little Word  & My One Little Goal ....
Be. Strong. I'm doing it & I'm loving the journey! 
And, speaking of the POWEr of the One Little Word, my dear friend, Margie, did a spot on Studio 5 about her word...loved it. love her. great job, sweets! Loved when Brooke talked about Margie's 'TRUES'...yup... that's us! True to the end! THAT is the power that can come through being kind, working hard & amazing things happening!

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