Friday, April 5, 2013

NEW InstaSNAP for Instagram

You know I love me some Insta Fonts at Rhonna Designs! They dress up my Instagram photos & make it a creative tool on the go! Journaling, documenting, & just plain FUN! 

Well, as I mentioned on my Instagram feed...I'll be on the Instagram panel at Snap Conference! I'm so excited to be speaking/teaching with Shelley Smith (House of Smiths) & Susan Peterson (Freshly Picked)

And, Rhonna Designs is a sponsor! So, of course, I needed to create something with SNAP attendees in mind, right? Well....introducing InstaSNAP my newest Insta font!
Seriously, I'm LOVING this! Now....for SNAP! attendees...don't go off & buy this...cuz we are donating this kit to each of you! So fun, huh? many of you are going to SNAP! I'm so excited because some of my Creative Team will be there! Yay~ Heather will be on one of the panels (the one about Pinterest), Emily is an official blogger & Melissa, Jamie! so excited! 


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