Monday, April 1, 2013

The {21} Challenge---final week! CongRats!

Huge congRats to ALL of you 21ers! It feels great, huh? So thankful for this journey...& LOVED ending on Easter! Perfect ending to a perfect journey! I had many requests for these to be made into larger 'prints' so you could print them out...who's interested?

For me, personally, working out at the TRX gym, Lyceum, has been such a huuuuge impact on me. Not only did it show me that even though I may have fibromyalgia, I am STRONG! (my one little word for 2013 *wink*) and I'm really loving the training! We are off for a week to someplace sunny for Spring Break...& as soon as I get back, I'm hoping to ramp up & go for a new challenge! stay tuned.....

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