Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Instagram fun with Rhonna Designs

I'm so excited to be a part of Mique's Funner in the Summer Series! Today I'm over on her blog sharing how to have FUN with Instagram & Rhonna Designs to make our summers funner!

As a mom, summer = all of my kids at home & LOTS of fun, memories and photo ops! I'm LOVING the fact that we can take pix with our phones on-the-go to document our summer as a family! Recently I launched an iPhone app that makes editing our summer photos super fun & easy for Instagram! 

I love being able to quickly take a picture & anytime I have some 'waiting' time or 'down' time...I glam up my photo with my Rhonna Designs Photo Editing App!

The great thing is: my kids love to use it, too! 
My 15 year old daughter loves sharing her photos & it's super cool to see how she uses the same app, but adds her own creative personality to her photos & looks completely different!
It's all about creative play! And, if you want some hands-on creative tutorials & short HOW-TOs for some tips & tricks with my app: go HERE for short videos to help with your creative process.  Making your Summer Funner is what it's all about! Enjoy!

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