Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's about creating....

I enjoy it. I enjoy the process of daily living; teaching my children; loving & creating.

I enjoy being with my kids & husband. I enjoy new ideas. There's nothing like getting inspired by a simple glance at a colorful swatch of fabric , an amazing artists' use of color, or a brilliant website.

I absolutely *love* a good creative rush. & my goal is to experience that daily...whether it's creating for my family; with my family; for my work or for fun.

While I have my website, various projects, & products to create, I have missed the creation of a blog of my own. I'm excited to get back to it since my 2+ year hiatus!

I'm not very eloquent in writing & words. Those that know me IRL know I just babble & ramble...but, I enjoy myself! So, while this is may not be a showcase for my eloquent writing, I do hope it is a place for another creative outlet....a place for me to share visual eloquence & another place to enjoy the pRocess.

I love to dabble in photography, & I work in Illustrator & Photoshop with my Wacom all the time so I'll be sharing different projects; for work & for fun!

My goal is to enjoy the pRocess in every aspect of my life.

let the party begin....


  1. so so pretty! i'll be a frequent visitor! :)

  2. So happy for you!!!
    Looks FAB!!!

  3. i missed your blog too! yay! that you're back.

  4. Yeeeeaaaaa! I've enjoyed your design blog, Rhonna, but I've missed the "cute Rhonna and her cute family and her cute house and her positive, lift-my-spirits" personal blog. It is so yummy-pretty too! More of your creative eye-candy to eat up!

  5. So fun that you now have a blog... I love the family pic. I need lessons! Send me your email and I will add you to our blog. We had to go private after too many crazy people commented. april-briggs@comcast.net

  6. I'm so glad you are back to blogging again. I always enjoyed visiting you so welcome back. Have a great Holiday

  7. Very pretty! Love your blog and your products. I put a link to your blog on my blog (just started my blog). http://krielfamily.blogspot.com/

  8. Lovely blog.
    Have a Wonderful New Year!

  9. I just found your blog through a friend (scarlettstyle) and I'm SO glad I did! Thanks for sharing your love and joy in Jesus and the beautiful life He gave you.

  10. I'm so glad your back, i loved your blog! Cant wait for more!

  11. I found your blog through The Crafty Table. You have such beautiful designs. I really enjoy making cards using digital designs. I make cards for family and friends, plus the 38 residents where I work at an assisted living home.

  12. Thanks for the download. it's gorgeous!
