Friday, June 18, 2010

f*f*fab *cReative* fRiday...

I was in a little creative rut this morning and I've got some pressing deadlines I HAD TO CRANK OUT
day. (deadline Monday, sister in town, HAVE to get it done NOW)

So, of course, I turned to my 100 Creativity Exercises...and...this is what I got.....

so, part of this particular creativity exercise is training my creative brain to ASK myself creativity questions so I can think, act, produce differently or more creatively.

Immediately for this project I thought: PINK..but, I needed a feel. a vibe. a spark of creativity!
i clicked on my fave blog: sfgirlbybay.


she did it!

 Victoria's post on her blog was all PINK! .....  got me so excited! pumped! sparked!

one little Creativity Exercise.
one little question.
one little click o' my mouse.
one little blog.
one little answer to my question.

and one HUGE thanks to the 100 Creativity Exercises, Victoria & the color PINK!

ok...I'm ready to rock & roll....
in pink.
wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rhonna, I just bought your 100 creative exercises can't wait to use it. Love your work, blog, web shows, creative talent, your joy, just love you :) thanks for being you and sharing your talent. Alway look forward to your posts. have a great weekend.
