Monday, June 14, 2010

eveRyday is a jouRney

and boy is it!  I've been MIA with traveling, journeying, etc. And I've loved it all. Summer has kicked in full swing & we've already had many fun times! 

This week is filled with some fab things....secret little get aways *wink*...creative time....LIVE webshow on Wednesday with House of 3 & Silhouette...NEW stuff going up on House of 3 (hint: the above graphic has something to do with it) on one time with my kids....just havin' fun every. day.

So? What's been going on with you?


  1. Hi Rhonna been missing your posts, glad your having a great summer. Love the graphic, love the web shows, etc. I bought the Sil recently and have it set up but haven't cut anything. Hope the show gives me a boost to start. have a great day!

  2. What's going on here? No summer vacation for my almost 7 year old yet, so i've still got some time on my hands! Preparing his B-day party this week (spy-theme! Lot's of fun!), VERY busy with the Summer Scrapbook Series(love it!), tha Pink Paislee paper, the new HOF3 stuff and my Silhouette (all good) but there's a bump in my photo printing road... pics come out yucky so i'm trying to get my new laptop and printer on nice speaking terms with each other!
    And i'm still trying to get back in shape... all that chemo isn't so nice for the body you know! And i'm enjoying the HOF3 webshows... and right now i'm being very happy enjoying your new graphic and waiting for it to show up in the HOF3 shop of course!!!!

  3. I don't have any word other that I LOVE it!!!! and I LOVE ALL your works!!!

  4. do I sense a new magical class is up to grab:) it is gorgeous! Missed you.

  5. wow, i have missed your inspiring posts! so glad you had a wonderful vaca, and so glad for all of us that you are back!

    looking forward to some Ho3 goodness this week. i am LOVING the summer s-book series, what a fab idea. i was wondering if you'd be willing to share the little schedule books you made for your family-they sound like such a great idea!

  6. We've missed you, but can't WAIT to see what you've got to share. My son's art classes (his summer activity +soccer) start today. don't forget to shake your tail feathers for us as you check your laptop on the web show tonite. love ya!

  7. i check everyday...and was the day...
    miss you sweets...miss you...
    happy summer...
    kiss kiss

  8. Have missed you so! But, family comes first and so glad you have been having a FAB time! Lots new with me, too much going on feelin the stress! working on some new classes with my newly purchased HO3retail licenses :) More on my to get list!! I am hoping to get home in time to view the show tonight but meeting at the new place I will be teaching for the next 3months. Hubby comes home tonight too so if he arrives before show then I will have to do the recorded video so I can shower him with love since he was out of town (ok, only 1 night but still). Hugs and more hugs from Conroe, TX!

    p.s. sent u girls some q's on the licenses so when u get a chance take a peek at your ho3 email addy for an email from moi.
