Friday, June 25, 2010

having FUN...

(Image created with NEW Rhonna Summer Swirls brushes at House of 3)

Yes, time is flying. I can't believe June is almost over. We have been having loads of FUN! Lots of family here...playing with cousins, meeting up with friends, getting creative, planning for Spark & just enjoying the pRocess!

So, I have to admit....I have a bad habit of keeping up my Spring/Easter decorations until summer. haha. Does anyone else fall into that trap? It's just so fun, festive, ends & BAM! It's the 4th of July! Well, this year I did NOT want June to end with my Easter decorations still, I made some of the NEW House of 3 printable banners...easy! Print, cut, hang!
And added some other goodies here & there.

I just put a bunch of peppermint striped candies in jars for a festive feel. And then, last night the girls & I went over to my FAVE creative escape: Dear Lizzie Boutique & Bistro. Margie was teaching a class & we got to do a little shopping & treated ourselves to some of these fabulous chocolates!

We ran into some of my fave you guys! Thanks was so good to hang out! 

I used some of the FREEBIE Celebrate banners I had on the DIY Mother's Day Flowers craft show & mixed them with the other fun stuff at House of 3. I love you!

The NEW *Four* Printable Banners are so great. They come in 2 with the fun designs on them & then the other with just the cool patterns so you can personalize & add whatever you want! I sewed mine together & added other little goodies!  Just because they are here for the 4th of July, doesn't mean you can't use them other times. They don't say 4th of July....but do have a very stars & stripes, crest, medallion, funky, ANYONE can use these ANYTIME!

And how cute are these little mini flags I have all over? I just cut them out of the *Four* Printable Kit & put it on a little skewer stick...I have them all over the house. Love it!

and...a funny story. Yesterday we were doing our morning *power jobs* & I was sooo irritated with all of the toilet paper rolls that were in the garbage can...
as you know. 
this means we are going through a LOT of t.p. oy!

So, as I was giving my kids a little *you-only-need-3-squares-of-toilet-paper* lecture, I grabbed them all & had a whole hand full. 

chuck them? I think not! 
I remembered this brilliant image in my mind & decided to use these to make a cool little *Fourth *of *July *STARS* toilet* paper *roll*wall *art! LOL!
yea. I think I might be it this summer heat?
oh well. I had fun!
Hope you are having a faaaaabulous summer & happy weekend!


  1. It all looks amazing Rhonna! June has been flying by! It was my bday this past Monday and it's the first day of Summer and I was barely taking down some of my spring decor, hehe. I do love summer but a wee bit jealous of all my friends who get to do stuff at home and with family all day while I'm in my cube at work. :( I'm off the week after July 4th and I plan on playing with some of your goodies!! Can't wait for Spark to get here!! *hugs!!

  2. I like your tp flowers and am SO gonna copy them -- they are SUPER cute!

  3. fun fourth of july decorations! i was on top of it this year and actually put them out by Memorial Day! now i need to make a hof3 banner :)

  4. Have to say I just took down an Easter garland in my bathroom. I love spring, thanks for the inspiration!

  5. looked at all you images loved the flowers and couldn't wait to find out how you did them love the idea must try thanks.

  6. hi rhonna: stunning and gorgeous as always! ah, for just .05% of your amazing creativity...

    i looked at the Ho3 "4 banners" printable and don't see that super awesome pennant that you have in the jar that is blue stars on top and red/white stripes on bottom. did you make that one yourself? will it be posting to the H03 site? pleeezzzeee?

    i bought the graphix 2" tags sheet and made the most awesome b-day gift tags yesterday-love them! thank you so much for posting those. with two little boys, they will get used CONSTANTLY for b-days, playdates, babysitters, etc. you rock!

    thanks love,
    have a wonderful weekend w/ the family!

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  8. I absolutely adore your toilet paper roll flowers... Rhonna I just adore your warm, bubbly and simply delicious spirit and joy of life!! You remind me of me! Big smiles, Philippa
