Thursday, May 27, 2010

let the magic act begin....

....the disappearing act, if you will.  Summer Vacation starts in just a few days, & although school is not out officially, I've been busy with the kids' 'festivities' every. single. day. for the past 2 weeks! LOL...hence my MIA status on the blog.

but now.....the real magic act begins....the magic of Motherhood during the Summer...& trying to keep it real during the vacation

Don't get me wrong:
I love sleeping in.
I love being with my kids all day long.
I love the sun & summer & swimming & being outdoors 'til 10pm to see the sunset.
I love adventures. 
I love making memories with each other.
I love spontaneous trips...& planned trips.
I love 'cousin swapping' & having FUN with my nieces & nephews.
I love hiking in the gorgeous Utah mountains.
I love girls' camp. I love Scout camp.
I love Lake Powell & the houseboat!
I love river trips.
I love camping.
I love being with my gorgeous, loving, fantastic husband.... I'm exhausted already!  How can I do this magic act of being a loving Mother during Summer Vacation????

I've done a lot of soul searching & planning & revisiting summer plans from years gone by....

And I set some big goals.

For myself. & for our family.
 Myself:  I set some big goals at the beginning of the year in my Simply Amazing book! And one of the first is half marathon. um...yea. I'll let you know how it goes!

Family:  I have all my new schedules all typed out, printed, put in individual books & ready to roll! Our first adventure starts the *minute* school gets out. Literally. We are headed for some FUN & our Summer starts off with a *bang*. I'll tweet & post on my facebook as the journey unfolds.
I'm pretty excited about our little 'summer books' I've created for each of us...I think this will be the key to our success as we let the Summer Magic begin....

What's on your list? And how has you planned your summer? Can't wait to'll be *magical* I'm sure!


  1. My summer plans are going to involve visiting lots of cool places in DC. We also plan to spend lots of time at the pool since it will be really humid. We might even make it down to Florida to enjoy the warm water!

  2. I hate to admit that I feel a slow creeping dread over summer plans. The "What are we going to dooooo today?" is echoing in my head already! I've got some fun stuff in the works and hopefully some fun will just *find* us too (sometimes when it *finds* us, it turns out being the most fun of all : )

  3. Well my daughter decided to plan the first month for me. She is going to grandmas to become and honorary member of my moms quilting guild that she goes too. Then for the two weeks after that she signed herself up for summer school..(when i was 8 I wouldn't have lol) then least for now is a week of horseback riding camp. As for the boys...Boy Scout camp for one and the other plans to get his license. I haven't even thought of something for us to all do other than going camping at the lake!

  4. Well my summer is going to be consumed with moving to a new town and getting my kids settled for a new school and making new friends! So we start tomorrow packing up out house to move in town weeks! The new adventure begans NOW!

  5. ooooh what kind of summer books did you make? something to record memories, or things to do?

  6. Wow! Your summer books and plans sound awesome--I would love to learn more about those books! I don't have children so my summers usually don't have much of the "summer" feel to them. With that said my dad's family are all getting together at my grandparents' home for a long weekend this summer as it may be our last chance to be all together with my grandparents...all the grandkids will be there which hasn't happened since their 50th wedding anniversary nearly 10 years ago.

  7. would love a peek at your summer book {wink}

  8. Hi Rhonna...just wanted to say I was so inspired by your webshow teaching us tomake the flowers with melted edges over the flame...and I went ahead and made some last so gorgeous! Thankyou so much for sharing your ideas with us...what a blessing. LOVING making flowers...I've put some on my blog...along with some I made from Bryanna's blog at thecanaryscupcake - so it's flower power all the way at my house!! haha..thanks again...from down in New Zealand!
