Monday, May 10, 2010

The beauty of being a woman....

I hope everyone had a wonderfully delicious day yesterday! Happy Mother's Day to ALL women!!!!
My sweet kids & gorgeous husband spoiled me, pampered me...showered me with love notes & goodness. I got to talk to my own, wonderful Mother & we spent it with my amazing Mother in Law & Sisters in Law...all such great women & mothers. *I missed my own sisters & SIL on the other side of my family, but love them just as much!

It just made me reflect on what a powerfully amazing thing being a woman really is!  I just love it!  Great start to a new week!


  1. What a gorgeous photo, Rhonna - the colors just took my breath glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day! I did, too - dh let me roam around Archiver's and Joann for hours - ALONE!!! Yay, me!
