Monday, July 19, 2010

one week....& no time at. all.

before CHA. *whew*
Got our House of 3 boxes of goodies....can't show you too much now...more sneak peeks coming up...but, let me tell you....
all 3 of us are planning some fabulous projects. and....those of you going to CHA, come by the Pink Paislee booth #600.

pppsssssttt:  go check out Janet's  blog for some sneak peeks....Wednesday's webshow will be where it's at...along with J's classes in the Dallas area! woohoo!

1 comment:

  1. So excited! I'm driving up to Dallas this coming weekend to take a couple of classes and one of those is Janet's and I hear she will be sharing a sneak peek. Can't wait for this Wednesdays show to see what new stuff you gals have for us!! *hugs!!
