Monday, October 10, 2011

cReative color challenges

cReativity exercises work.
they do. 
and I've been having so much fun with my 100 Creativity exercises lately....
& have taken it a step further...getting more creative with these 
Creative Color Challenges: COLOR.

If you follow me on twitter, facebook or instagram, you've seen my #creativecolorchallenge.  And, you might have even jumped on in with the fun!

I'm tellin' ya...I've really needed a BURST of creative energy lately with my designing I'm doing right now. (some fun things on the horizon!)....and can NOT afford to be out of ideas or have a lack of inspiration!  So...i've been hitting my 100 Creativity Exercises hard...& they have really kicked my cReativity in turbo! Lovin' it!

and...color is a HUGE part of my creative process, so I've been having so much fun with a color-a-day & keeping  my eye out! My dear friend, Margie, has joined me & I just get giddy seeing from her eyes! 
it's that easy....& your cReativity will be ramped up...promise!

So....who's in? Won't you join us?
Today's color is: oRange.

p.s. you don't HAVE to have instagram, or collage apps, or twitter, or facebook, or's just an easy way for me to share...YOU choose how to use this #creativecolorchallenge in YOUR creative process &  enjoy it!

If you DO choose to use instagram, twitter..whatever, just use hashtag: #creativecolorchallenge  & we will play, play, play! 
Be watching for tomorrow's color! hmm....we'll see what it is! I"ll tweet it bright & early!
until then....

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