Monday, October 3, 2011 favoRite month.

It's October.
...and change is in the air.
the season & weather.
my blog look. *grin*
my focus.

Change is good. 
It keeps us on our toes.

We (well, I should say, Jeff) planted a garden & has been loving the harvest....zucchini, butternut squash, corn....and PUMPKINS! This pumpkin is his first HUGE pumpkin he's grown. (last year we got 5 little ones...cute. we loved them) But, this year, he tried some other things & I tell ya...this one is perfect.  All his hard work has paid off & this huge pumpkin sits proudly on our front steps with the little butternut squashes next to it. 
It's a sign. 
A sign of the seasons changing. 
the colors changing. 
the change that is going on in the world around us.

inside us.

October is my favorite month...for many reasons.
But, one of my favorite reasons is because it is our Church's General Conference. I love it.
really, really love it.

It always leaving me feeling so inspired, encouraged & ready to do better & be better.  I love the feeling of change
Changing my ways.
my thoughts.
my focus....
to become better.
to work the things 
that matter most...
not getting caught up in being 'busy' with
things that don't really fulfill me.
& like Jeff's pumpkin...
at the end...have something that I'm happy & proud of.

It was a whirlwind weekend with reunions, friends over & much family time...but, in the peaceful moments, I really tried to listen to my hear what was being whispered to me... WHAT I need to be doing. 
HOW I need to change
and WHO I want to become.
...lots of hard work & change are in my future...but, I love it.

I felt so much peace. I am invigorated, excited & ready for change.
Happy Monday...

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