Thursday, September 29, 2011

How Do You Do That? --->Super Comic Party

So? Did you get the Rhonna Designs Newsletter No. 2? Well, if you saw all the NEW Super Comic Kits! 
I love this whole vibe...perfect for any celebration for the super heroes in your life. 

For today's How Do You Do That? segment...
I wanted to show you how my sister used these kits to throw her own party....
She has a new baby, 
is moving & 
her little super hero turned 5! (Happy Birthday, Adam!) 
So, she needed a super fast & easy party to throw together...

Rhonna Designs to the rescue!  
She simply printed out all of the Super Comic Party Printables onto cardstock, sticker paper & other papers to create a truly SUPER party!
 Amy is an amazing stylist, & she's got the knack of making things look fabulous in a jiffy...but anyone can when you look at HOW she did it!
Look at how she added pom pom trim behind the Party Banner Printables! LOVE!

and. just look at the cute party hats she put in the hurricanes...a*dore this brilliant idea!

One of the pieces to the Printable Party is the Cupcake N Labels Kit.  The Labels can be used for water bottles, printed on sticker paper for gift wrapping annnddd....
sewn together to create a mobile! 

Seriously! I had NOT thought of this, but when I saw it I thought: cool is that?

She simply sewed these down the center & added some of the Circle Seals along with her stash of Vintage Comics...Love it!

Party cakes were all Fabb-ed up with the Circle Seals, too! 
She stuck them on the skewers & voila! Fast & easy Birthday Cakes! 
(the KaPOW is in the Circle Seals, Digital Rub ons & Brushes kits
And the Batman logo she used over one of the Burst Brushes!...easy to design your own stuff!)

 The Candy Cones *& Party Hat kits are similar, but the Cones are a smaller version of the, they can both be used to have some fun with all ages! 
(notice in the pic the size difference)  
She added crepe paper, & made all sorts o' goodies lickety split...
oh so fast!
See how she incorporated the Super Hero she wanted to customize her party to? I love that about this's all SUPER>>>>& everyone can use it with Superman, Batman, Captain America...yea!

Look at this cute little hero...
I think he's SUPER at 5!  
One cool thing about the Digital Brush kit is that it comes with numbers 1-12 for your own hero's birthday age! You can totally customize the invites, etc!

So, the great thing about these kits is:
you can purchase separately OR you can purchase in a Printable Party Pack 
or a 
both at a great discount.
**and you Newsletter got even MORE of a SUPER discount!* wink!

so...happy weekend full of cRafting!
I'm so excited...I'll be glued to my TV all weekend watching, soaking up & being uplifted & inspired by THIS!

p.s. all images courtesy of Amy & her iPhone. we love Instagram.:)

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