Thursday, September 1, 2011

How do you do that?----> Recoloring.

First off...thank you 
for an overwhelming support for the gRand opening of Rhonna Designs store!!!! 
I was seriously blown away at our first day....truly amazing! 
Thanks for LIKING the Facebook Fan page...& congrats to the 4 winners for the $50 Gift Certificates! 
*fun shopping spRee*

Don't forget that each of the members of the cReative Team are also hosting giveaways on their blogs... will be the first of a series of "How Do You Do That?"...
And, today, I wanted to show you how easy it is to re-color digital elements!

Just think....the colors of the backgrounds you see can be changed to any color you'd like! Then either used on your blogs, hybrid crafting, scrapbooking, name it!

Ok, so let's take the Honeycomb backgrounds found in the store...but, can also be done on ANY digital element that doesn't have too many my fave: the Quatrefoil backgrounds

Step one:
Open up the original paper/background. Here, I've got the light blue Honeycomb patterned paper open.

Step two: 
Notice the Hue, Saturation, & Lightness sliders....this is where you will adjust those sliders to get the exact color you fun!

Step three:
Adjust the sliders as many times as you'd like to achieve the color you want.  
Note: Every color is effected by this, the more colors you have in the original file/image....the more adjustments will occur...sometimes it looks great...sometimes...not so much!
But, experiement...get creative..& have fun!

**Notice the arrows & numbers...
If you want to get the same color, note the numbers. This will make it easy to achieve the same colors (if the original is the same color to start with)...
Cool, huh?
now...with this NEW SKILL...look at something around you to create....
do something to uplift and inspire someone. you. a friend. a family member. a stranger?
A card. 
A gift.
Something to brighten up someone's day!
I'm choosing to create today... I will be Sparking today...getting my cRaft on with my Spark Sisters, creating handmade-with love decorations for those that come to Spark to get their creative inspiration...
These decorations have given Spark a excited. It's about a month away...are you coming to Spark- the event? It will be so wonderful, I can't even wait!!!!
Can't wait to hear what YOU do to create, uplift and inspire
Happy Weekend!

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