Monday, September 26, 2011

forget not....

Twice a year, our Church has a General Conference where we get to be uplifted & inspiRed by our Leaders! Saturday night we had the General Relief Society meeting where all the women across the globe can tune in to watch & was sooo wonderfully inspiRing!

Julie B. Beck is the world wide President of this amazing organization of women....she has 2 counselors, Sylvia Allred & Barbara Thompson who all spoke....They are amazing was the kind of Conference that you left wanting to be your best...ya know?

This quote was from Deiter F. of my favorite people to listen to....He is the one that delivered this amazing message about Creativity a few years ago...
& he did not disappoint....This message was so wonderful....about not forgetting the important things in life.  His words spoke to my soul...go listen to will make you happy! I promise!
Happy Monday!

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