Thursday, September 15, 2011

2 days....

 In 2 days I'll be on the course, running my first marathon.
 It's the home stretch...I'm getting ready. All thoughts are consumed by my marathon prep. I have so many thoughts. fears. self's hard not to.
Have I trained enough?
Will I be fueled & hydrated enough to perform?
What if I bonk? hit the wall?
Will the weather cooperate?
What if I forget something?
What if I get injured?
What if..
what if...
oy. vey.

Needless to say. I've got butterflies.

And...when it comes down to it...18 weeks ago, there is no way I could have done this. But, I trained & enjoyed every minute of it. Seriously. 
Those runs have become one of my favorite things.

And the support I've gotten from YOU! Wow...
I'm so thankful for all of your emails, texts, messages...
tons of support from you! 
thank you! 
You've been uplifting and inspiring me with your personal you've started running, or walking, or exercising, or doing something else that was difficult for you. 

I'm really looking forward to it...and will set aside those self doubts...because, from what I've heard from other have got to be as mentally prepared as physically prepared.

I'll keep you posted on how I'm doing...
follow me on Twitter 
& you can run right along with me! 
And, if it works..
I'll be TOUTing, too! 
(short video clips to document life's moments) sister & I were joking that I'd be TOUTing during the race...showing my feet, my progress, etc...& at the end...all you'd see are my feet on a stretcher being taken away...Yes. this might get too raw & real...but, I want this to document my journey...
I have LOVED the visual journey I've got with my Instagrams...& am making a book with all of them printed out by PostalPix...
but, think it would be cool to have video clips during the marathon, too.  So, no promises...we'll see how I'm feeling as I'm running. I might not be able to..LOL.

So...tomorrow I've got another "How Do You Do That?" feature on digital brushes...& then Saturday is IT! I might be MIA for a while after that...hee hee.
Until then...

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