Thursday, September 8, 2011

cReativity and maRathons

With this marathon training...I've been running. 
a lot.
exercising my muscles.

and when I run I have a lot of time to think. 

Each morning, before I leave to hit the trail...I grab one of my 100 Creativity Exercises out of my cute jar.
I look at it.
I put it in my other jar.

and then I take off....

I let the cReativity percolate.
and...ideas generate as I run.

I exercise my cReative muscles, too.

I see things differently with the exercises in my mind.

The other morning, the exercises I took out of the jar challenged me to look at things differently...change my perspective.

I run over this bridge every. day.
And...this particular morning, I looked down at that row of washers....* & I saw it differently*.
I was so excited to take a picture of it....
I bent down, *almost got hit by a biker*...& I saw the bridge differently.

I love this photo.

So, as I'm exercising my leg muscles...they get stronger as I run. 

26.2 miles is a long way!

But, when I exercise my creative muscles along the creativity gets stronger, too!

It's called muscle memory.
Our muscles start to get used to what we do. It becomes second nature.
It is an unconscious process....we just know how to do it.
That's why the 21 Challenge is so great, too...when it becomes a becomes a part of us.

I was just in the new Somerset Digital Studios magazine this month....& my article is called:  
Uplift and Inspire.  

Here's a quote from it:
"People ask me all the time if I ever get into a creative rut.  The answer is No.  Because I work my creative muscle every day through my 100 Creativity Exercises...It's become a habit for me...everyday...this is how I begin any of my creative projects.  I am never in creative fact, I've got so many creative ideas swimming in my brain that it's hard to turn it off."

Truly...exercising my muscles makes me feel so free. like a bird.
So happy.
So content.

No, it's not fact. It's SUPER difficult!
but each day I get stronger....
& being able to run a marathon in a week & a half...& being creative on a constant basis...
is because my exercises work!

Today's challenge: do something that is difficult. maybe even scares will get stronger.
& it feels good!

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