Saturday, September 10, 2011

introducing...Spooky Junque!

When I was mom made Halloween so much fun!
She cackles like a witch...
And she would ONLY do it for Halloween.

It would start out in her belly & make it up to her throat until she'd cackle to the point I thought, 'Maybe she really IS a witch."
hee hee. 
I was about 4 when I remember thinking this.

But, she made Halloween so fun. We always decorated our house....
and since my birthday was close to Halloween...we'd have spooky birthday parties, too!
complete with dinner in the dark...skinned grapes for eyeballs, spaghetti for brains & carrots for get the picture.

She would also sing this song:

Halloween's coming.
Halloween's coming.
Skeletons will be after you.

Halloween's coming.
Halloweens' coming.
Ghosts and Goblins will get you, too!

And...I STILL love Halloween. I love to decorate. dress up. the candy. I love it all!

So...designing a new collection is always fun for me, too, since I adore Halloween!
I like to do things a bit different every year... it is: Spooky Junque!

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we are talking...juxtaposition
I love it!

patterns & textures: chevron, burlap, canvas & collage.

colors & vibe: persimmon, black, kraft & florals.

all mixed up with the spooky icons of bats, witches, spiders, ants, moths, ravens, witch dress forms...

hee hee. 

Can you hear the cackling?

Go on over to the site to see the designs that will uplift and inspire!
And be watching my blog for ideas to uplift and inspire as my cReative Team shares their projects with you....

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