Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Let's reach out...what's Social Media all about anyway?

I love Social Media. Remember my post HERE about what it's all about? Social Media is a fabulous tool & I believe it can be used to help women help one another....empowering women & using it for GOOD! 
Case in point: I have a friend who is wanting to earn money to adopt. Andrea's got gorgeous jewelry for sale & all of the profits will go towards their adoption costs.  My heart was touched...I wanted to help as soon as I heard about it...& thought: Social Media is such a blessing...we can share these good causes with each other. Right? I say YES to that all day long. After all....aren't we all in need of help at one time or another? Let's help Andrea out! LOOK at her cute stuff HERE! 
I must admit...I already bought the round turquoise ring & bracelet for myself. *I am a jewelry lover* and I bought the bow ring for my cute J's bday coming's SO her & she will LOVE it! all helps our friend, Andrea!

So...girls. If you can...step up. Be the angel for this family. QueenBandMe can provide the fab jewelry, while YOU provide some added funds for such a great cause.....And a huge thanks to Social Media~ for empowering women all over the world...helping us come together to help one another & be the angels we need! mmmmwah!

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