Thursday, June 21, 2012

How Do You Do That? >>Rhonna Designs Fonts with Instagram & Phonto apps

You've heard me rant & rave about the new update to my fave font app: Phonto. Well, I've been having so much fun using Rhonna Designs fonts in my Instagram photos! And a lot of questions, too! So, I thought I'd share some of my tips & tricks on how to use them together!
The Rhonna Designs fonts are just like any other fonts. Simply purchase, download & remember where you saved it.
In order to use it on Instagram, you will need the app: Phonto.
In that app- & from your phone- you can follow this tutorial on how to sync this app w/ the fonts you have saved on your computer. i.e. Rhonna Designs dingbat font: Chic Shack.
Remember, this is all for a Mac & an iPhone. ** If you have a PC, I'm sure you can google how to use Phonto on your Android?**

Now, let's have a little fun with Rhonna Designs dingbats!
In Phonto, I simply selected myRD Chic Shack dingbat font: & typed in 'x'.  This gave me the border art & I went to SIZE & upped it all the way. 
Then, I selected COLOR & chose white, but as you can see, I adjust the OPACITY on that bottom slider to a very low percentage. AND, notice, I have 'Text' selected. That will apply the COLOR & OPACITY to only the text as opposed to the STROKE & BACKGROUND.
You would just use the MOVE button to get it on your photo where you like it.

Next, tap on the screen again & type 'o' for this cute frame in the RD Chic Shack font.  Select COLOR & find the blue you like.  I played around with the STROKE aspect of it & adjusted the COLOR sliders until I liked it.

Remember, you can play, play, play. And each photo will be different. There really is no recipe to just have to experiment!  That's one reason I LOVE the Apps on my phone: creativity-on-the-go is perfect for my daily Creativity Exercises!, really quickly...I also had some questions about the particular 'heart bokeh' lighting effect I had on this photo.  I LOVE the Lenslight app for their various can fiddle with them, move them around, etc. But, for this particular one, I used the PicFX 'Hearts Small' Light effect.  I love the tiny hearts, but the CON is: you can't move them around.

The GREAT thing is: the Rhonna Designs Dingbat fonts are filled with all sorts of goodies; frames, birds, flowers, crowns, borders, tags, etc!  And since they are a FONT, you just type a letter & it is an image instead of text.  LOVE the possibilities! Also, the other amazing thing is: since this art is in FONT format, you can size it as you would type...i.e. you don't lose the quality of the image no matter how large you resize it. **vector files do this!**
The Chic Shack dingbats I've been showing for this particular photo has 60 images in the font!
frames, crowns, flowers, chandeliers, silhouettes, swirls, borders...I 
el. oh. vee. E 
this one!
The Rhonna Designs dingbats are filled with 90 images including LOTS of swirls, flowers, damasks, etc. LOTS of 'designs'! All hand drawn by me...I adore this font!
And even though the 50  Wicked Awesome dingbats are holiday themed...there are plenty of versatile images: I LOVE the swirls in here, the frames, banners & labels, too!
And, again...this one is holiday themed, but the 75 dingbats in this Christmas 2011 set are versatile as well. LOVE the 'enjoy' & 'family' word art, the cute wings, birds, deer, labels & ornaments! 

I"m sooo giddy about the new Phonto app I just LOVE creating with the Rhonna Designs dingbats...& of course, I've been working on NEW Summer themed, be watching for them soon in the store!

now...GO! create!

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