Monday, June 11, 2012

Marathon madness re-cap

Saturday I ran my 2nd full marathon: Utah Valley. *it's a great one, if you're looking for one!*
 Nothing will ever compare to your first marathon. I trained so diligently & had a great time. But, this 2nd round I ran into a little bit of a difficulty. About 6 weeks out from the marathon, I got an injury & was devastated. I had to quit my training.  I wrote off the marathon all together. But about 2 weeks ago, I was feeling good & decided I was going to try to finish this marathon. I wasn't going to go for a PR, but wanted to take it easy & enjoy the process. So.....
on Saturday, I woke up early, got to the busses around 4 am & rode up to the starting line.
One reason i REEEAAALLYYYY wanted to run this marathon was because it's in my backyard. The whole course is down 'my' canyon....the one I love. trained in. is one of the happiest places on earth for, I ramped up & started along my journey. 
canon goes off: I run the first few miles down the country roads just soaking it all in & loving it! 

Seriously, the first few miles were sooo amazing. I mean look at those mountains & barn? How lovely is that? *wink*
We turned down the canyon & ran past this lake...mountains, sunshine & a lot of angry drivers! 

LOL...poor drivers...there was a total back up of the cars. I felt bad! But, hey...some were really nice & cheering us on! This was our first uphill. 

I ran it the whole time, but then started feeling a little 'twinge' in my calf *my injury* so, I started to walk. I had to keep telling myself: I'm doing this to enjoy the process, NOT to make a good time & hurt myself. 

Mile 10: As we rounded the lake, we hit mile 10 & the pain began. Not the typical aches & pains I have during my running OR the calf pain from my injury...but, a NEW pain. A pain that wrapped around my knee & started to burn, ache.

Mile 13: The pain forced me to walk. Slow. reeeaaaaaallly slow. Like...hobble. 
I didn't think I'd be able to finish. I got my phone out & called Jeff to pick me up. But, we were smack dab in the middle of the canyon & I couldn't get service. So...I kept walking....sloooowwwwly. I was worried. But, I just kept looking at the amazing scenery, listening to my music & enjoying the process.

Mile 14: Something miraculous prayers were answered & the pain was gone. I was fine. I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.  IN fact,  I felt great!  There was another runner next to me & I looked at her & said, "We can do this!" & I got chills...I got so excited. I felt fab & ran all the way to the finish line!
Not too long after this, we ran under this sign...I loved it. Had to get a picture of it...cuz, we CAN conquer any wall we come up against. I was feeling GREAT!

Mile 15-26...honestly, I was just enjoying this race by this time. I had my 'Run Keeper' app going & she was telling me each mile how I was doing. At this point I was not able to make a very good time, but I was just happy I was feeling good & able to run. I got a little teary eyed somewhere in there at around the 20 mile mark cuz I just felt soooo grateful that I could run. I've had quite a journey with my health & I was soo thankful to my Heavenly Father for His help on this run. Attitude of Gratitude.
Finish Line: My cute cute family was there cheering me on...I ran across the finish line & felt amazing. They gave me my medal, took my pic & I was looking for my family. We had TONS of things going on that day, so we high tailed it out of there, & I'm one happy finisher!
"Finishing a marathon is a state of mind that says anything is possible." 

I may or may not be doing this marathon next. *wink*

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