Thursday, August 30, 2012

Join us for a week long biRthday celebRation: sales, freebies, new kits and....

August is coming to an end & that means we are coming up on our first birthday! Can you believe it? September 1, 2011 we opened up our Rhonna Designs online store- a place to purchase my designs to uplift and inspire! We have had an amazing year thanks to everyone!  
So, let's have some fun, shall we?
...starting Saturday, Sept. 1, 2012, we'll begin a week long Birthday Celebration. We'll have something fun to 'open up' everyday! From sales, to new kits, to the unveiling of our NEW 2012-2013 Creative Team! 
Are you signed up for our Rhonna Designs Newsletter? ....because, trust'll want to be on the party list! *wink* 
It's sure to ...

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