Friday, August 31, 2012


Can you hear that? It's horns tooting, confetti falling & much merry making! We are celebrating our 1 year birthday! Yup, one year ago today, we opened our little doors to Rhonna Designs online digital shop! And wow...what an amazing journey it has been!
But, we couldn't have done it without YOU! 

We started this store for a place to sell my designs to uplift & inspire.
And this blog is our home for ideas to uplift & inspire.
The whole idea behind Rhonna Designs is to follow your heart, enjoy your process & find that cReative SPARK inside of you...whether it's creating a flower arrangement, a digital scrapbook page, a delicious meal, blogging, Instagraming, playing with your children...whatever it is: we want to uplift & inspire you!
Hence, my signature logo: my hot air's my symbol to always uplift & inspire! I've loved changing it up every once in a while...& it's been fun to evolve in my style! I have done this as an artist for 30+ minute I'm embracing the handwritten doodle part of my art, the next, I'm going simply graphic & the next I'm creating with retro/vintage vibe. I love changing it up & revisiting these styles. I feel like that is one of the things that really revs up my cReativity!
and...My little balloon reflects that. *gotta love the artistic journey*

We've got lots in store this week! And today we kicked it off with a Newsletter to all of our valued customers...with a little prezzie tucked in there for you! Did you LOVE it as much as we do? We hope so! Enjoy celebrating today! 

Come back tomorrow to see the announcement to our NEW 2012-2013 Creative Team! You will love them just as much as we do...because they will surely uplift & inspire all of us this coming year!
aaannnddd.... be watching for NEW kits & the discount codes in the Newsletter! fun stuff!
It feels good to be one!

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