Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Let's Celebrate with 3 NEW Insta Lovin' kits: Insta Thanks, Insta Seals, Insta Celebrations

Let the birthday celebration continue.....today we released 3 NEW Insta Lovin' kits! I'm seriously in LOVE with these....in an *instant* you can create Thank yous with the new Insta Thanks. Or how about  cute little seals with the Insta Seal kit! & anything with a cause to celebrate- birthdays or any days with: Insta Celebrations!

The Insta Thanks kit isn't only FAB for a quick & easy Thank you card, blog post, Instagram....BUT..it's got a little Thanksgiving flavor to it, as well! Has some fun quotes about being thankful....like this:

Again....these are all 26 letters capital A-Z & when you type one of the letters, a dingbat font will appear.  So, above, I typed the 'G' this is the art that comes up: It's not happy people who are thankful, it's thankful people who are happy...so uplifting & inspiring!

Such fun ones for just about any of your 'thanks' needs! *wink*

So...i think every day is cause for celebration...balloons, cake..the works! But...maybe we can't do it with the real thing...how about on your photos? or a card/note? or a blog post? Yup....you can do it with the cute icons & words in the Insta Celebrations kit! Instanly----> celebRate!

I adore the balloons, lil silhouette girl with a party hat, cakes & of COURSE, the top hat! hmm...I want cake.. right. now. 

Lastly...the Insta Seal kit! I had so many people asking about the little seal images I've been using lately on my Vintage Trailer Refurb, so I put together a kit with a bunch of different styles of seals. Much like the Insta Numbers look, but they are plain. (most of them) so you can add any text or other icons to the seals to 'seal the deal'. 

These are so fun...plain & some have 'premium quality' or 'smile' on them....just fun ones to stamp your Seal of Approval on your photos, Instagram, blog posts, invitations, cards, scrapbook layouts...you name it! Sooo versatile! 

If you haven't used them before or need a refresher on HOW TO use the Insta kits, go HERE for some help!
And....for those of you that got the Newsletter last night (or early this morning), you saw the deal we offered! YEA!!! snatch them up, cuz the deal ends on Sat. night...GO, create! now! 

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