Monday, September 24, 2012

Idea No.1: 31 Halloween Ideas with Rhonna Designs:: Spooky Teacups

With our release of Spooky over at Rhonna Designs, we've had such a great response! (deal of the bundled kits goes until Sept. 30~) 
I've had so many questions about HOW to incorporate it w/ last year's Spooky Junque like I'd intended.  
So....I thought it would be fun to share 31 days of Halloween Ideas using Rhonna Designs! Are you in?

Of course, I'll be sharing the amazing creativity of my Creative Team, too! Aaannnnddd... (I'll be skipping some days) but, we'll end ON my birthday...October 23! I'm a birthday LOVER & I think it's always an excuse  to celebrate! So...join us  while we share lots of fun ideas and end it off w/ a BANG>>>>I am a firm believer of giving gifts on my birthday. *wink* 

So...let's start w/ Idea no. 1! Spooky Teacups

For me, decorating is all about 

Hybrid + DIY + Repurposing

I love using what I have around the house! Just re-purpose! 
So...this was easy as 1,2,3!

2. Cut out & apply them to vintage teacups or jars, or bottles...whatever you have in your house.

3. Fill w/ candy, flowers...spiders! & *kaBOOM* a little nook of decor that packs a Spooky punch!

I just filled them w/ silk flowers (candy is too tempting for me) &  put my teacups on a long black platter I had, added some felt bats under neath...layered some doilies, burlap & linen...& VOILA...a little centerpiece in my entry way.

As you can see...I've got some Spooky stuff going on above it...but, more on THAT another day! *wink*

So....see how the Junquey vibe of burlap, linen & doilies meld the flavors of Spooky & Spooky Junque...I love the look, feel & vibe!
You CAN mix & meld & boil....spooky, huh?

Now, don't get me don't *have* to coordinate both fact, I figured the vintage style of Spooky Junque will appeal to some while the more modern sleek style of Spooky will appeal to others. And, as you now...I'm always evolving & changing things keeps me creative! So, this year, I wanted to bring in both styles- can you say eclectic? Yup...that's me!mixing & melding styles....keeps me a*live (creatively)...cackle. cackle.

So...go! cReate! & enjoy the all of the ideas we bring to you this Halloween Season!
Oh! annnnd....the winner for the Compendium goodie box is: Missy Brooks! Email me your addy & I'll send it off! 

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