Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Idea No. 3: 31 Halloween Ideas w/ Rhonna Designs :: Spooky Plates

You will LOVE what Heather Thoming of Whipperberry shares today! She's one of my NEW cReative Team Members...& she *wowed* me with this project!

Idea No. 3: Spooky Plates
She's got a whole tutorial over at her blog...so, fly on over there to see!  I'm LOVING how she mixed Mod Podge, party plates, a jar lid & Rhonna Designs to create these Spooky Plates for Halloween! 

...again...use what you have around the house. Hybrid+DIY+Repurpose.

Seriously...Heather makes me want to pick up my Mod Podge & just go to town w/ all of their various finishes...I mean...antique? sparkle? glow in the dark? oh mercy...I'm in trouble!
So, grab some old plates...or just the perfect one you've been saving for the right project...go over & follow Heather's tutorial & cReate something amazing!
Thanks, Heather....even in the midst of a surprise move...she's being cReative...now THAT is what I love to see!

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