Thursday, September 6, 2012's all about exercising that muscle. every. day.

Thanks for the amazing response for our new Creative Team...I"m so excited, too! Each of them is so unique & I LOVE their creations with Rhonna Designs!  I was talking to my team about can't force it. And you can't expect to be creative if you aren't exercising that creative muscle. Every. Day. You know I talk about my 100 Creativity Exercises a lot, but I believe in it. I know this workshop works. I LOVE these exercises & they've become a part of me.
Tonight...I'll be sharing some of my best ideas & kickstarts for your creativity in our Newsletter. So, go over to the site & sign up if you haven't already....& you Newsletter fans know...there's always a little 'nugget' of goodness in there for you! *wink*

Today...I wanted to share some of the fun things my new team have already created! Check out this party scene with Jing! Talk about using her creativity! I'm in LOVE with her unique creations!
She created Menu Boxes, Candleholders & Little place mats with Rhonna Designs. See the cute candle holders & folded place mats? These were created with the Chevron Tool Kit!
 The cute flower &  boxes were created with the Nautical Chic collection! 
 Loving that half lolly back cute! Can you tell how she made that? Out of the Insta Patterns kit! Brilliant...sheer brilliance!
The darling 'Let's Celebrate' is from the Party Pack Kit, & the stars are from the Nautical Chic Banner Printable! Sooo cute, huh? Seriously sooo uplifting & inspiring how she used so many kits & brought them together so well. I love that about Jing's creativity....she's always exploring the possibilities, following her heart & obviously enjoying her process! 
Go on over to her blog for MORE inspiration using Rhonna Designs! ....such inspiring creativity!

Now...go! Create something today! Even if it's something for 5 it! Your creative muscles will get stronger & stronger!

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