Monday, September 24, 2012

Idea No. 2: 31 Halloween Ideas w/ Rhonna Designs:: Spooky Wreaths

Today's 31 Halloween Ideas is brought to you by my Rhonna Designs cReative Team Member, Amy Miles! Tuesdays are always uplifting & inspiring & today is no different!  

Idea No. 2: Spooky Wreaths
I LOVE how Amy took this book page rose wreath she had & *sprinkled her magic* on it!

1. Printed the black & white striped Spooky background  on 3 pieces of 8x10 paper.
2.  Following THIS little video tutorial I did a few years back, she created a paper LOLLY!
3. Created a smaller lolly out of vintage book paper just torn out of a book...LOVE those tattered edges!
4. Added a gold foil doily.
5. Layered the Spooky Chevron circle over the doily...
6. Created a smaller black & white polka dot the itty bitty-ness of it!
 7. topped off the center of the *magically spooky* wreath with this Spooky Junque tag
wow. wow. wow. wow. WOW!
LOVE it!

***not to mention her peach & persimmon ribbons just adding panache to the whole thing!
Again...using what you have around the house- this rose wreath is one I drool over every time I go to her gorgeous house...& adding in some Rhonna Designs to add a FAB Halloween decor creation!

Check out what else she did for her front door! She's got this HUGE kraft coffee filter wreath on her door that she just adds various decos to during each season...I go GA*GA over it!
So...for Halloween...she added a skelly she already had, some fabric strips, burlap, ribbon AND  of course, the Spooky Junque 'Trick or Treat' sign...the skelly is picketing for candy! HAHA!

Thanks, Amy...for a *magical* uplifting & inspiring!

Look around. What do you have on your door? A wreath from another season? Sprinkle some *magic* on it with Rhonna Designs Spooky kits & *poof*'ve got some Spooky Wreaths to adorn your doors!

go...cReate! I can't wait!

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