Wednesday, September 12, 2012

live inspiRed---> Compendium books & gifts.

I love companies that go hand in hand with Rhonna Designs...& Compendium is one of them! LOOK at how uplifting & inspiring this is....
Live. Inspired. That is Compendium's tag line &..I love it. Have you seen these number books? They are like 'workbooks'...the 1 book is a powerful start. Just like the video says: You are not here by mistake. This books helps you realize how much YOU can make a difference & then - in workbook fashion- helps you believe in yourself, identify your specific talents & chart your course from 10, 20, 30 years from now. I love this.

And another one of my FAVE is the 5 book. THIS is kind of the next step helps truly live inspiRed.

Ok, so they have launched a bunch of new products ...have you seen this Inspiration Journal? um..LOVE! A Year of Inspiration? love these lil cards! Cutest lil notebooks. * I always have one of these in my bag...perfect to jot down creative ideas anywhere!*
& I'm doing a giveaway!
I'll be sending out a box full o goodies to one of YOU, lucky bloggers!
Just leave a comment here to tell me about your love affair with Compendium...fave products, or why you love them...or what you'd LOVE to receive!
And just have FUN looking at their website & Pinterest it.
Don't you think Rhonna Designs & Compendium go hand in hand?  So uplifting & inspiRing!
Ok...ready? set? comment!

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