Thursday, September 20, 2012

The POWER of positive thinking....Billion Clicks

Last night I sat next to some of my dearest friends...listening, laughing, crying...& feeling an overwhelming feeling that I can do this hard thing called life. **mind you...the last little bit has been rough....** But, as I listened to & watched Hillary Weeks' video, I was sooo uplifted & inspired!
Take a minute to listen to her experiment....
What she said just sunk into my soul....Positive thinking CAN change my outlook on life. & I was soo excited to get my hands on a clicker & start this experiment! 
I am a pretty positive person by nature...but, I fall into these slumps where I just get exhausted; physically, emotionally, spiritually....& I have to pick myself up from that & get back into my 'Happy Routine'...
Sometimes that picking up is harder for in the winter. I have a REALLLLLYYYY difficult time *feeling* cheerful when it's cold & gloomy outside. My aches & pains get worse & I can easily sit & focus on my health issues & let it overtake me.
No. Thank. You.
I'm tired of that.
I knew I needed to do this. right away!
And....they gave us each a clicker to start with!!! I was so excited to start my journey...
for 2 weeks I'll be clicking this little clicker.

& I made this cute sticker above out of my Rhonna Designs Insta Thanks & Insta Seals kits, printed out on sticker paper & it's on my clicker now! LOVE that quote! It really helps me remember to be thankful. & THAT is one thing that will always, always make me happy! 
**and LOOK at what my sweet True, Chrissy Gardner created on the sticker sheets! Brill!**
So, as I sat in the waiting room this morning....for over an hour...I was looking around at all the things, people, thoughts in my head...& focused on the Positive! Next thing I know...I was out of there & on my way...I looked down & saw 133! I was so happy I focused on those POSITIVE things instead of getting ticked off that I was waiting for so long! LOL!
It's all about our positive energy. positive thoughts. I believe this can help us in any of our darkest hours...and influence our self. our family. our friends.
And, i LOVE that she's got Compendium products in her store! So uplifting & inspiring! (the GIVEAWAY on my blog is open until, go over to enter!)

Go over & check out the whole's amazing! Join me!
Here are some ideas on their site...but, I'm making a list of my own, too!
Love it!


  • positive thoughts
  • things to be grateful for
  • i love yous
  • noticing the good in someone
  • noticing the good in yourself
  • things you believe
  • each time you see the hand of God
  • acts of kindness
  • each step closer to a goal
  • minutes of exercise

with your Spouse...

  • compliments given and received
  • things you love about each other
  • i love yous
  • each time you think of your spouse
  • noticing the good in your spouse
  • acts of kindness
  • each time you make each other smile or laugh

with your Family...

  • acts of service
  • acts of kindness
  • kind words
  • compliments given and received
  • completed chores - homework, making beds, brushing teeth, etc.
  • minutes of reading
  • minutes spent together
  • expressions of gratitude
  • have a contest to see who can click the most in a day or a week
There are more ideas for friends, schools, etc.  Can you imagine if the whole world did this? I love it!
But, of course...we have to start with ourselves...So, I am ordering some for my family...I want to do this for 2 weeks...set the example...have them observe ME & how I am changing...& then we can all jump in! **at least that's my plan! **

So so thankful for those precious times when you feel so uplifted & inspired you know you will look back on that moment & pin point it as being a pivotal moment of change.  I felt that last night. I feel that with this experiment...& 
I'm doing it! 

Won't you join me? 2 weeks...let's click away!

Spread the word...let's do this!
go & listen to the MUSIC on her blog...Dancing in the Rain is a catchy little diddy! Love it!

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