Monday, August 27, 2012

vintage tRailer Refurb: Inside>>During

Between surprise road trips, Disneyland & first week of school, poor Daisy has been slow going. But, never fear! Her Maiden Voyage will be this weekend! So...this week is crazy busy...with Rhonna Designs turning ONE year, saying goodbye to my amazing 2011-2012 Creative Team AND saying HELLO to my new 2012-2013 Creative Team...whew....I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!

The inside was a big thing this weekend...we re-built & re-installed the top bunk! oy vey! But, she's coming along nicely...I think Daisy loves her makeover so far...don't you?
She's matching her exterior a little more with the aqua walls & cabinets. LOVE! And...we put the aluminum strip on the edges of the cracked, old green countertop edges. looks lovely! to paint the bunk now! rest for the weary! Tomorrow is our last Creative Team Tuesday w/ this fantastic, don't miss it! 
Happy Monday! 
Create something today!

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