Friday, December 14, 2012

Chalkboard aRt cheeR ----> Rhonna Style

I've been having far too much fun cReating Christmas presents this year w/ my handwriting, chalk, & chalkboards.  
As I've mentioned before...I get much inspiRation from the master chalker: Dana Tanamachi. LOVE her work, style, & watching her time lapse videos.

I'm a doodler at heart. I used to steal my mom's calligraphy pens & paper & sit for hours listening to music & just 'practice' writing. I started by scouring her Calligraphy Books. You know...the old school ones that would teach you strokes, etc. But, soon I got the hang of it & started to add my own style & flair to it.  I experimented w/ tons of different styles of 'type faces'...I'd scour magazines & find one I liked & write & write & write until I got it down.  All the while, adding my own flair to things. I didn't follow the rules & I still don't. To me...that's part of putting the 'Rhonna Style' into it! *wink*

I loved it. It made me happy....brought me CHEER! this time of year as I was thinking of a gift that was from my heaRt...I thought of cReating my own chalkboard cheer for my friends & family.
1. I took my 6 Chalkboard Tips to heart as I created these little gifts of LOVE & CHEER!
2. Chose a small sized chalkboard that would make a cute gift....made a little KIT for each person...
including chalk, a sharpener, eraser in a little muslin bag &
3. Added uplifting & inspiRing Christmas word aRt. Each is different. Each is unique. & Each is my own little woRk of heART this Christmas Season!

Want to see more of the kits?
They turned out so cute! Love them!

I'll share on to finish addressing my Christmas cards...are you on my list?

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