Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Create your own background w/ Rhonna Designs App

The amazing Rosemary Watson is sharing a fabulous tutorial today on HOW to create your own backgrounds in the Rhonna Designs App! LOOK at this!

Thanks, Rosemary, for being so uplifting and inspiring!  Now, go on over to her Instagram & FOLLOW her! She's got such a fun Back To School background inspiration going on....she's brill! 

**ETA: LOTS of questions about this fun technique! Yes, PhotoForge app is no longer available, so IF you don't have it, obviously this won't help! CAN create your own backgrounds using JUST the Rhonna Designs app...I will have a free video tutorial on that coming up in my 'Kick Up Your cReativity' w/ RDapp series coming up SOON! I'll shout it out when they are up!  until then....

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