Thursday, August 18, 2011

5 things.

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 5 of my favorite things as of right now:
No. 1: Running. 

Running on the trails near my house...near the the mountains.  I am on week 14 of my 18 week marathon is coming quickly...& I'm taking one day at a time...enjoying my journey.  I tweeted this quote: 

A race time is just the final page of a book. It means very little without knowing the story leading up to it.

My story has been amazing. I've learned so much & I'm still learning every day.

No. 2:  Make overs.  

I have been having fun...been busy & haven't shared all of my monday makeovers, but here's my wall tree I painted turquoise. love it! It's such a bright spot in my room now.

No. 3: 
Good things happening to good people.  

One of my dearest friends, Margie, has joined one of my favorite companies: Bazzil.  She's going 'home'....Perfect! And, it makes me just so happy! Congrats, again, sweets!

No. 4: Spark

It's coming up....are you joining us? You will NOT want to miss it...seriously! We got together to SPark it up & make the handmade decorations that are so 'spark'....again: this year has a different vibe, different teachers...but more of the same honest to goodness Spark inspiration.  Even though I've not been as involved as I had in years past...I AM going to be there!  Margie & her team have done a GREAT job with it this year...I hope to see you there!

No. 5: My new Creative Team 

has been notified & we are on our way to the Grand Opening of Rhonna DESIGNS store!!!! I was so overwhelmed with the entrants...thank you everyone!  I so wish I could have every single person on the team...
It's all about 'uplifting & inspiring'....
& each member of the team was selected with this in mind. 

When we announce the team, you will see that each one brings something different to the mission of Rhonna DESIGNS! love it! Be sure to go over to the official Facebook page & 'like' it! There will be lots of fun things going on during the Grand Opening!

ok...Summer is almost over...only a few days left before school to enjoy it with my kiddos! 

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