Monday, August 8, 2011

monday makeoveR>>>decorating with instagram photos

We are back from our vacations...
Summer is winding down & of course Back to School is on the mind... 
We've had such a GREAT Summer...
so many fun memories...enjoying each other & getting some fave! I tweeted the other of my FAVE things has been the ability of taking pix on the go with my iPhone...& my FAVE app: instagram!  I tell ya...creativity at my fingertips...LOVE IT!!! NEW fave thing is: Postal Pix! You just upload your photos from Instagram & they print them off in the cute 4x4 format (complete with all of the fun filters & photo edges) & send them to you!!! So, I got a bunch of them in the mail & was sooo excited! I wanted to display & decorate with them.
Remember my vintage dictionary text backdrop I madeover? was perfect for this little display of our Summer memories from my phone....Thank you Instagram & Postal Pix...marriage made in heaven!

aaanndd...I think THESE pix will even be cute printed out...& hung up. scrapbooked. etc.
LOVE this fast, easy, clever way to take your pix on the go with some fun creativity!
Talk about feeling inspiRed!!!!

Happy Monday! 
Hope YOU are feeling uplifted & inspiRed!

And...don't forget about the NEW Rhonna DESIGNS team call that is open until Aug. 15th....just a few more days! The entries have been amazing!!! And, those that are accepted on the Design Team will be notified on Aug. 16th via email!  Thanks! 

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