Thursday, August 25, 2011

follow the sun...have an adventure.

Back to School.
I had lots of emotions...very mixed.
Every year I know I need to look at this new adventure with a smile on my face....follow the sun...cuz that always makes me happy. And it always reminds me to focus on the light..the every adventure.

This is life. These kids are off for another adventure...I just pray every day..all day..that they will be safe. happy.kind to others. be themselves & feel good about themselves....I want that for each of them.
Sol Man's adventure:  
wearing his 'monster' shirt...

T-bird's adventure: 
being patient with her mom as she takes MORE pictures!

J-Bird's adventure: 
postivitely GIDDY with her Audrey Hepburn lunch box! She & her friends were sportin' them...all showing their cute these girls!

One of our favorite traditions to welcome this yearly adventure....a candy poster to greet them at the end of their first day of school. 
 Life somehow has kicked into turbo...My head is spinning...time is flying..& I'm trying to be still. And enjoy each day. each journey. 
..looking for the adventure in each day..
no matter what it brings.

Speaking of adventure...
we'll be building up to the Rhonna DESIGNS NEW site Grand Opening on September 1st...
yea...ya see that OLD design that's been staring at us for over 6 years?'s TIME to freshen that baby up!

be watching...
store will be opening. 
Creative Team will be announced. 
Prizes will be given away...over on the Rhonna DESIGNS Facebook Fan if you haven't 'liked' the page sure you do!

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