Monday, August 29, 2011

monday makeoveR>>>enjoy the jouRney.

 today: enjoy the jouRney

This week's Monday Makeover is a little focus on 'my' makeover...with my running/training journey.  I've had lots of emails & messages with questions & comments.... And I wanted to blog about this huuuuge part of my life right, if you are not interested in hearing all means. don't read on. :)

I have had a major makeover in my 

And I owe it all to running.  
As many of you know...I have been sick for a while.....& it is still tough going. Some days are better than others. And while I am still looking for the answers & wanting to be's a long process.

So, I had 2 choices. I could either 
1. wallow in my pain, sickness & self pity. 
2. try to find something to take my mind off of the pain & sickness.  

Yes, I *was* feeling a bit better.. so, I decided I wanted to turn to running to get my mind off of my pain. I know...It sounds crazy.  But, whatever I've got...I feel WORSE if I don't exercise.  

So. I must. even if I have to grit my teeth through the pain for the first few mile 3 or so, I'm used to the pain & I start to enjoy it.  crazy...huh?

"How can you run when you are feeling sick?" This is one of the most asked questions I've been getting.  

1 word. 

I have to look for motivation all around me....
to get my shoes on. 
to get me out the door. 
to ignore the pain & realize I WILL feel better after my run. answer to the 2nd most asked question: "Where do you find your motivation & determination?"...I've forced myself to LOOK for the positive parts of running.

one. iLOVE motivational quotes.  Hence, I share a lot of the quotes I see on Twitter by Running Quotes & them. they motivate me.  
But, one of the things that has totally helped me through this is the

When I started the class, I had already made the goal of running a marathon, but the training (physical, mental & emotional) was going to be difficult...I knew this. So, SR2 helped me make a plan & with my art...really get through to what I really wanted. 
...Helped me ask some really important questions...
-WHAT did I really want to learn through this journey...
-HOW can I get through this without giving up?
...making a plan, & STICKING WITH IT!!!!  
Thanks, Mel! Loved the course! it taught me so much!

two. iLOVE motivational products. like Dailyologie. See that cute package up there? It's a pillow case...isn't that fab? It says: get up, put your smile on and run like the wind. 
adore. this.

three. iLOVE motivational & inspirational views on my run...I have to drive about 10 minutes to a trail, but it's soooo worth it to me.  The natural beauty that surrounds me takes my mind off of my pain....& I sooo enjoy taking pictures of my runs & documenting my jouRney.
four. iLOVE motivational tools like my iPhone.I really couldn't do it w/o technology!
I love how I can use it for so many things during my run. 
Instagram= to take pix.
Pandora Radio= to listen to my running playlists.
RunKeeper= to track my time, mileage & pace.  and...of course, 
my iFitness belt to house my lil phone...i lovey!

so....I have 18 more days until my marathon. 

I've completed the most difficult week in training program had me ramping up the mileage to 20 miles...which I did on Saturday...& now for the next 3 weeks I taper down...gradually so that by the marathon...


I have to say...i felt better after my 20 miles than the 18 miler we did...I am now really excited about the marathon.

I've run 20 miles...& have trained hard...& now I have to trust my body & just 
enjoy my journey....'s been quite a of THE hardest things I've ever done...every day is a struggle...but, I do try to stay positive & keep on going.  instead of wallowing in self pity..hee hee.

and...the thing I've loved the best is the POWER I've felt as I've pushed through this difficult training.  I heard these 4 simple words yesterday at church & it has stuck with me....really got my heart:
The Power of Becoming.
We all have it in us to become what we want to become....we just have to want it. do it. & become it.'s to the power within become better. become what & who we want to become. Today's the it!

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