Friday, December 30, 2011

twenty.11 .... twenty.12. NOW is the time.

I love this time of year. So much reflection, celebration & excitement!
As I looked back at my goals for the year, I'm so thrilled at what I was able to accomplish:
journey to get my health back.
focus on my family relationships.
read the Book Of Mormon in 100 days.
train for & run a marathon.
find a balance in my art career that enables me to LIVE life happily.
learn to sip & savor every moment.

Each of these has been a huge learning process...each one has taught me different things...I've had a rough, rough year.
But, I'm so happy with the outcome of the trials & hardships.

One thing I've learned that I hope to take with me in this next year is: 
I MUST have goals. 
I MUST work at them every single day.
One year will go by quickly & 
I MUST act NOW if I want to live the kind of life I've always wanted.

I'm totally inspired by all of the Compendium books, but this one just spoke to me. (& is a huge inspiration to my new 2012 Calendar & 'A Year to Follow Your Heart' kit.)

Don't you love that? I love the message. 
You CAN do it!

tonight I'll be putting up the NEW 2012 Printable Calendars that are inspired by the 21 Challenge, 6 week shape up...& 'Follow Your Heart.' (more info on that to come. #wink)
This year, my One Little Word is: Savor.
Savor each step of the process in each goal in each day of tweny.12.

The MyBook Planner winner has been sent her book & I'm excited to take pictures of what I've done with the NEW "A Year to Follow Your Heart' planner kit
in my own My Book Planner...(gotta put it together!)

AND...2 new kits. tonight.
getting ready for an amazing twenty.12.
A Year to Follow My Heart.
A Year to Savor.
A Year to be uplifted & inspired by working, creating & living the life I've always wanted.
Who's with me?

Look at what Rosemary Watson did? Love her print out (which is FREE with any purchase of the kits until Jan. 3) & her CUTE lolly clock!
LOVE them!

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