Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas cReative Tuesday

Merry Christmas! 
And...Jing has got something to really uplift & inspiRe you today on this Merry day: LOOK at how she used Rhonna Designs to create this darling Christmas Guestbook for your Holiday parties!
 Using the Christmas designs, she created tis amazing guestbook filled w/ cards & envelopes that her guests can sign...how creatively brilliant is THIS? wow! LOVE Jing's amazing creativity!

The envelopes are created w/ Rhonna Designs Christmas printable papers...isn't she simply brill? I'm dying over this...

Jing, thanks so much for inspiring us all!
and....all of you cReatives...here's wishing you a very Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
enjoy the day & spread love & cheer!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

12 Days of Christmas: Day 6---SecRet elf THANK YOU!

I love the secret acts of service that goes on during the Christmas Season. This year, we've been so blessed to have a Secret Lil' Elf leaving gifts on us each night before Christmas.  
You can follow the goings on over on my Instagram feed (@rhonnafarrer) or on FB or  my tweets!
I take NO CREDIT for any of this...it's our amazing Secret Lil' Elf who is doing this for us!  I believe our Secret Lil' Elf would agree that it's all about uplifting & inspiring at this time of year...because they are doing it for us! so...thought I'd share a bit more info on this secret service project!

On Dec. 13, we got this stocking on our door w/ a note that explained it all. It instructed us to leave the stocking on the door each night so our Secret Lil' Elf could fill it w/ special treats!

Each night, a gift from the heart has been in this stocking...they kids get excited to check it out each morning! It's adding a fun & festive feel to our holiday season----> Each gift is so creative. Each poem is so funny! & Each wrapping job is jaw-dropping-ly amazing!

most importantly...
we FEEL loved.

THIS is what Christmas is about...the Christmas Spirit . We FEEL it through these sweet acts of service from someone we know...someone preparing little gifts, poems & wrapping them up so beautifully it's hard to open! In this busy time of year, they are thinking of someone else besides themselves. They are giving their hearts & love to us!

THIS is what has touched me the most. 

IF we find out who it is, I'll shout it out...but, I have a feeling they want to be filled w/ the Christmas Spirit & remain anonymous, cuz they deliver it around midnight-ish! I don't think they want to be caught! *wink*

I will share more as the 12th Day of Christmas wraps up...but, sweet Secret Lil' Elf ...let it be known...
we are so thankful for your Christmas Spirit...& giving the gifts from your heart. It helps us think of the REAL reason for the Season...Jesus Christ- who gave of his heart & love to US! 
Thank you...from the bottom of my heart!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

cReative team tuesday...ChRistmas caRds w/ Rhonna Designs

Have you got your Christmas cards out? in the mail? Every year it's quite a labor of love. I ADORE getting the mail every day to see faces of our friends & family! It really brings the spiRit of Christmas in our homes...& reminds us of the LOVE we share with you! So...to those that have sent yours...thank you!   Today, I thought it would be fun to share a few of our cReative Team's Christmas Card designs using Rhonna Designs!
Here's mine...front & back. I had them printed at my FAVE place: Persnickety Prints.  On pearl cardstock, double-sided w/ rounded corners. I couldn't have been happier w/ their fast service & gorgeous quality! They are easy to use & ship all over! Check them out if that's your vibe!

And...here's Susan's! I LOVE how she created a hybrid Christmas card w/ Rhonna Designs. Simply BRILLIANT & oh- so festive! 

Everything Jamie does is just plain exquisite...& I LOVE the black & white chic she's got going on her photo Christmas Card...the front & back...perfect for addressing quickly & sharing your gorgeous family's photo! She created  this w/ a bunch of my Rhonna Designs brushes...just adore it!

And, our very own Nancy cReated this darling photo card w/ Rhonna Designs. Now...I LOVE how she designed it...but, what's even MORE amazing is her heart. 

You see...this is a card she created for a friend who just had this cute lil bundle of joy- a *miracle baby* as she called him! And, she knew her sweet friend had her hands full, so this was her gift...talk about a gift from the heaRt! I love it! I love Nancy! I love her Christmas Spirit!
& speaking of the Christmas Spirit...this lil video touched my heart. I LOVE it. I LOVE centering everything around Jesus Christ...the REAL reason for this season. ENJOY!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Chalkboard aRt cheeR ----> Rhonna Style

I've been having far too much fun cReating Christmas presents this year w/ my handwriting, chalk, & chalkboards.  
As I've mentioned before...I get much inspiRation from the master chalker: Dana Tanamachi. LOVE her work, style, & watching her time lapse videos.

I'm a doodler at heart. I used to steal my mom's calligraphy pens & paper & sit for hours listening to music & just 'practice' writing. I started by scouring her Calligraphy Books. You know...the old school ones that would teach you strokes, etc. But, soon I got the hang of it & started to add my own style & flair to it.  I experimented w/ tons of different styles of 'type faces'...I'd scour magazines & find one I liked & write & write & write until I got it down.  All the while, adding my own flair to things. I didn't follow the rules & I still don't. To me...that's part of putting the 'Rhonna Style' into it! *wink*

I loved it. It made me happy....brought me CHEER!

So...at this time of year as I was thinking of a gift that was from my heaRt...I thought of cReating my own chalkboard cheer for my friends & family.
1. I took my 6 Chalkboard Tips to heart as I created these little gifts of LOVE & CHEER!
2. Chose a small sized chalkboard that would make a cute gift....made a little KIT for each person...
including chalk, a sharpener, eraser in a little muslin bag &
3. Added uplifting & inspiRing Christmas word aRt. Each is different. Each is unique. & Each is my own little woRk of heART this Christmas Season!

Want to see more of the kits?
They turned out so cute! Love them!

I'll share on Monday....off to finish addressing my Christmas cards...are you on my list?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

cReative Team Tuesday...Christmas all wrapped up in bows!

One of my favorite things about Christmas is the packaging. 
Presentation is *everything* and this year I'm loving BOWS!  

My cReative Team members are right up my alley, too! Remember the Rhonna Designs FREE Paper Bow Template? Well, Amy takes the template & makes a  MEGA paper bow! I'm loving it! It's making a HUGE appearance in everything from gift packaging to decorating, to gifts in my home, too!
She says she printed it at 200% onto vintage music paper & voila! LOOK at how cool this is! On wreaths, 

& on her HUGE birdcage, too!  Love it sooo much! **see the white poofs at the bottom of the cage? This is the coffee filter wreath we made...it's HUGE & it fits in her bird cage...to give you the idea of it's HUGEness!**

I used the MEGA bow to create this gift wrap for the Smash Ball I went to on Saturday...it was a big hit & I ended up making a few more for people at my table! LOL!
I mean...who doesn't LOVE a Mega Bow?

And...I LOVE what Jamie did with her junque bow on her lovely mannequin! Gorgeous!

Jamie says:
I dressed up my Lady Eve for the holidays with a junque bow that shows off ChrismasJunque. The collage pattern was printed on dictionary paper and used as paper bows. And the MusicTagPiece from the ChristmasJunquePieces was printed on vellum and used in place of a cameo. She is so purdy!  I think a person could dress up anything thing in their everyday decor with a junque bow and hybrid printables from your collections. 

Isn't this just TOTALLY uplifting & inspiring? I'm loving the bows to package up just about *anything*...
Hope your holidays are filled with all sorts of things to uplift & inspire...
enjoy your pRocess!

Friday, December 7, 2012

And the winner is....

Thanks so much everyone, for playing along w/ the Merry Christmas Gift Tag Design Contest....we loved them ALL! My Rhonna Designs cReative Team has chosen......*drum roll please**

Jennifer Warnick of Ruffled Sunshine's simple & classic chalkboard art tag: Have A Cup Of Cheer!

CONGRATS!!! Aaannnddd....she's also my pick this week for #Hey It's Follow Friday.

Love her way of using & cReating with Rhonna Designs!

Go on over to her blog & follow her on Instagram (@ruffledsunshine) to see all the great things she's cReating! And, Jenn...make sure you send me your mailing address & high resolution entry to: info@rhonnadesigns.com so we can get the printed goodies to you via our fave printer: Persnickety Prints! 
Merry Christmas!!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

cReatvie Team Tuesday.... Christmas projects w/ Rhonna Designs

cReative Team Tuesday is always one of my fave days...I LOVE seeing what members of my Rhonna Designs team cReate! And today is NO exception! Amy & Kirsty have sprinkled their magic w/ their Christmas projects: home decor and Christmas cards!

Ok...do you  LOVE Amy's  frame wall or what? Sooo cute! LOVE how she used the font file: Insta Christmas to cut out the vinyl & put the 'Peace On Earth' art on some scrolled music paper.  Um...really? LOVE!
I love how Amy displayed this card in her home decor. First...i DIE at those cake boxes...delish. And Second...LOVE how she brought the mint & red together just by using the Rhonna Designs card!  The card is created using the Merry Christmas Insta Card w/ the cute Insta Christmas fonts printed out & voila! An insta decor piece. *wink*
And this cuuuuute little frame w/ the Merry Christmas art...adding the "Oh Holy Night' to customize this for her house. Perfect, Amy! Soooo uplifting and inspiring!
Aaaannddd.... Kirsty got in the spirit of our Rhonna Designs Merry Christmas Gifttag Design contest (ending TODAY>>>> go enter if you haven't already!)

Isn't her Christmas card deeeelightful? One thing I LOVE about Kirsty is her digital cReativity! She sees things in an amazingly cReative way- her photography is FAB! She has used SO many different Rhonna Designs pieces here to create the MOST amazing work of art...right on her computer! And...she says she will be using this as her Christmas card...simply brilliant! Another thing I LOVE about Kirsty is her humor. She's witty, clever & makes me giggle! I LOVE her...she's brave...an amazing mom & I just feel so thankful to have her on our team! Thank you, Kirsty...for uplifting and inspiring us through more ways than just one...you are truly amazing! 

Another thing I wanted to share that is REALLY uplifting and inspiring me is...this SMASH BALL put on by Becki Crosby of Whippy Cake! I'm sooo excited!If you don't know that this is...here's a re-cap of her first one in AZ!
Do YOU want to WIN a ticket? GO HERE for more info! Help spread the word & I will see you there!

Monday, December 3, 2012

more DIY Christmas wReaths---->

I am a wreath addict...I confess. And when it comes to Christmas....DIY is my fave because I usually pick my own custom colors! Love it! So....like last year...this Christmas is all about neutrals w/ a kick of color. Mint. to be exact this year....
so...thought I'd share a few more I made.

Wreath No. 1 is an up-cycle of my Spring wreath mixed w/ my Valentine Wreath! So, this is HUGE! & I LOVE it!
I added some of my Rhonna Designs printables to it along w/ some of my 'All is Bright' line w/ My Mind's Eye. Lots of texture & juxtaposition w/ glitter, burlap, book paper, pinecones, doilies...yum!

Wreath No. 2 is my own lil version of my Spark Sister- Margie's online Spark Your Christmas Class
Again...lots of fun juxtaposition. Added a glittered bird, some burlap flowers & the 'Silent Night' banner is just stamped w/ foam stamps onto that cheap white ribbon that I LOVE...it's a perfect banner!
 The book paper flowers are left over from my flowers last year that I made for Christmas...& I just added them along w/ the tickets, 'Joy And Peace' printable & glittered it! It's on one of my old vintage windows right above a glittered nativity scene...fave spot!

Wreath No. 3 is full of white feathers & kraft flowers that I adore hanging from my gold Ikea frame. Our cute little #elfontheshelf was hanging around the other day...to kick off December! *wink* 
There ya have it...Now...my decorations are complete...I've got all of my Nativity Scenes all around my house (my fave) and now I'm fixin' to create ornaments..

have you see the 12 Artsy Ornament class? Check it out! It's sure to be fab w/ tons of my talented friends contributing their talents! 
Ok...soooo, today is the LAST day to enter in our Christmas Gift Tag Contest! Excited to see the entries & pick the winner!!! It's not too late...LOOK HERE for a reminder of the guidelines! 
And...happy Monday!