Monday, November 12, 2012

cReative Team Tuesday: Grateful Glam; Glitter Houses & Inspiration Jar

Attitude of gRatitude. That's my mantra. And this time of year just fills me with such happiness! I am so thankful for an amazing cReative Team. Each one of them are so cReative in their own way & I love to see their talents just SHINE! Today, we've got Melissa & Jamie sharing their talents w/ us & uplifting & inspiring us w/ all sorts of gRatitude!

Melissa says she tried to imitate my Christmas glitteR houses, but I think she inspired ME! LOOK at her glittered Grateful Home!
 I'm LOVING how she used the Grateful Glam kits to create this gorgeous GLAMMEd up home!

run on over to her blog to be uplifted & inspiRed! Thanks, are so wonderfully talented & cReative!

 Now, check out what the amazing Jamie created with the Grateful Glam kits! I'm in LOVE with this Inspiration Jar! She created this by printing out some of the Spooky patterns along w/ the Grateful Glam kits RIGHT ONTO manilla folders! Then, cut up; dyed the ribbon, put it all together & SHA*ZAM! A thoughtful, gorgeous & cReative gift for someone you love!

 Such a cute way of using the Insta Quotes...just print them out on manilla folders, cut up & Ka*POW...little inspiRing reminders to pull out of your InspiRation Jar! 

 Simply bRilliant, Jamie! I can't wait to make one for friends' gifts this year! You are soo uplifting and inspiRing!, 2 days until my local Insta sure to register! It's going to be so fun!

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