Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Is Scrapbooking Dead?

This is a big question! And at 11am this morning I'm excited & honored to be on a panel discussion on our local TV station: Studio 5 where this gets answered!  The amazing Stacy Julian of Big Picture Scrapbooking, fabulous Becky Higgins of Project Life, Mark Katchen of 1000 Memories & I will be 'forecasting the future' & discussing real solutions on memory keeping.  

I'm really excited to talk about this...you know how I feel about it...it's not dead...it's just evolving. Just like any art...the art of memory keeping is evolving w/ our needs, our technology & our lifestyles.  Even though I've been designing traditional scrapbook products for 9 years, you know I have always been a little bit 'techy' when it comes to my personal memory keeping....because it works for me.  So, don't miss this show as we share some fun ways to uplift and inspire YOU and the way YOU keep your memories!

And, as you'll see on my segment...I'll be talking about Instagram. *surprise, surprise*...Don't forget...tomorrow night I'll be teaching a LIVE class at Dear Lizzie Boutique...see HERE for info to register! 

Until then....look for ways to....

P.S For you out of towners....you can watch LIVE web stream HERE on the site. And when it's over, I'll be sure to add the link to view...so you won't be left out! *wink*

HERE is the first part of our segment: Is Scrapbooking Dead? With Stacy Julian & Becky Higgins.  
And..here's my Fancy Phone Photos (aka Instagram FX) segment.

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