Monday, November 5, 2012

uplifting and inspiring: quotes

Have you ever been having a 'not-so-good' day & you come across a quote that just uplifts and inspiRes you? Me, too! and I have to say...I love it! I don't consider those 'accidents' or 'coincidences'...I believe they are sprinkled from heaven & are there to help us help us rise up out of the slump.  I LOVE taking my Rhonna Designs Insta Fonts or Digital bRushes & cReating quotes that are uplifting & inspiRing. I usually post them on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest & Facebook, but I wanted to share a few recent ones here on my blog:
This one is by Deiter F. Uchtdorf & when I heard it, it struck my heart...I wanted to share it with others.  It just made my day when I read it again & LOVED putting it together in a Chalkboard art way!

 And...of course you've heard this one before, but WOW...some days you just have to hear it! & say it to yourself over & over again! *wink*

I'm in LOVE with Chalkboard art...but, you already know that.  With it being November, I'm really into the Grateful, Gratitude, Thankful quotes...
...I love finding new quotes....what are some of your favorites lately? What uplifts and inspiRes YOU?

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