Thursday, February 21, 2013

19 years ago.....when the Story Began!

19 Years ago I married my best friend, the most amazing man ever!!! And Our Story began!
It's been a joke from the day we got married...I always say: "I'm the LUCKIEST girl in the world". & he agrees, he's the LUCKIEST man in the world!  *giggle*  This little joke has become part of 'Our Story' & it has gone on for 19 years...We sign notes like that, we tell each other every night that we are THE LUCKIEST in the world! It's even spilled over to our kids!  It's part of Our Story! 

I'm sooo thankful for technology! It makes it soooo easy to document Our Story!
Hard to believe that when Our Story began, the internet was just barely making it's debut!
Computers, Photoshop, Cameras (yes, digital wasn't even invented!!!) & Cell phones have really refined the way I tell my story!

19 years later....I'm telling my story via my blog, facebook, twitter, vine & instagram! For my family AND others!
My family giggles as I take out my phone to capture the moment, but I KNOW we will all be thankful when 19 more years go by & we have a collection of photos, memories and stories of how we are THE LUCKIEST! *wink*
I LOVE teaching classes & creating products for others to learn how to use their phones to capture their photos, memories & stories!

Last year I shared a VERY cool local conference going on called: Story At Home. Aaannddd...guess what? This year's conference is coming up March 21-23! I"m giddy! Check out the CLASSES here!
One of my cReative Team members, Emily Hill, is part of a panel discussing Social Media & HOW to use it to tell YOUR Story! Isn't she amazing? I feel sooo lucky to have her on my cReative Team...she's so cReative in all she does! See? I'm the LUCKIEST girl in the world! *wink*

Go LIKE them on Facebook to see what's happening!
and go HERE to Register! I'll be there...hope YOU will join us!
It will surely be uplifting and inspRing!

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