Wednesday, April 6, 2011

6 week shape up: Wrap up!

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Wow! HUUUGE congrats to everyone who participated in the 6 Week Shape Up
You all deserve a huge pat on the back!
I'm so so proud of us all!
We did it!

I'm happy to say that these 6 weeks have been life changing for me.
This was one of THE hardest things for me to do...but...I DID IT! 
And...I'm NOT going to go back to my old ways!

As I've mentioned before, I've been reading & following Tosca Reno's Eat Clean columns, books, blog & website! I love the whole concept of eating clean...& it's helping my overall *healing* & health.

The frame-able hi rez art quote to end our journey is a quote from her new book: Stripped
It really spoke to me about how I must look at the 'end' of this's not an 'end' at all...only a beginning:

"To achieve your goals & remain successful, you must be willing to step over the line & fully commit to change." Tosca Reno

Isn't that GREAT! All of us who have finished this's not the 'end'...but, our beginning....we can't go back. 
We must step over the line & 

Many of you know that I've been sick for a while...the past 6 mos. were unbearable. I couldn't function. I won't go into it all...but, I realized....
It was time for change...

& I knew doing this 6 week shape up would be just the thing I needed....& I'm so happy so many of you joined's been life changing for me! I hope it has been for you, too!

I am committed to remain successful!
No...I am fully committed! 
How about YOU?
Let's not let the successes we've enjoyed slip away...instead: let's move on & kick it up a notch! Who says we have to stop? Isn't that an exciting thought? To continue to grow? Not going back? Being fully committed to living our BEST life? We deserve it. 
Love you all!

enjoy the 8x10 high resolution frame-able art...but, please remember: personal use only. Thanks!

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