Monday, April 18, 2011

there's no place like home....

I'm back. 
We had a grand time! 
So many fun memories as a family! 

We soaked in the sunshine. 

hit the trails. 

explored the Grand Canyon.



ate yummy food.


& had such a relaxing time. 

I didn't take my computer & my family said, 'what? you won't be on your computer?" was so wonderful & just what we all needed.

But, of course, now it's time to get crackin! So many great things are on the horizon....I'm just inspired & giddy...things are falling into place & I feel so blessed & thankful.

When you're gone for over a week...things pile up...& while I tried to keep up with emails on my phone...taking pix & tweeting/facebooking along the way...
I felt like I missed out on blogging about a few things I didn't want to get lost in the, here's a run down:

*House of 3 sale & closing
(eta: just saw Heidi put up her fave kit suggestions here. & I'll be sure to add my faves tomorrow!) 

* Wacom Tablets and Photoshop Webinar tomorrow: Tuesday, April 19th 2011
11:00am – 12:00pm PDT (US & Canada) Be sure to register & enjoy!

*Spark happenings: have you registered? You do NOT want to miss Spark No. 3!

* Something Splendid: My dear friend, Liz, has launched her new site. Check it out!

.....and a HUGE thank you for the support & amazing emails & messages about my Spring Mix kit. 
have a wonderful Monday! 

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